Here ye, here ye! We are SO excited to announce that The Rite Bite Nutrition Counseling just took our services up a notch! We are very pleased to say that our capacities for meal planning have received a huge face-lift! Not knocking on the old way we completed them, but this... this new smart technology has our dietitian stomachs in butterflies!
If you've worked with us you know we weren't always huge on meal plans. The reasoning is because a typical meal plan is so.... last century. We were able to paint you all a picture, but we found many felt handcuffed to that picture despite our encouragement to use that and ultimately paint your own artwork masterpiece. Basically what we're trying to say is although the conventional method works, it tends to lack a bit in flexibility due to the specifics we are after considering our patients' goals.
Well not anymore my friends, Not. Any. More. We now have the ability to create for our patients high tailored Nutrition Prescriptions down to the last calorie, micronutrient, gram of protein, gram of fiber, (you get the picture) with minimal turnaround time. We know that meal planning promotes healthy eating habits by increasing fruit and vegetable consumption by 38% and 28%, respectively (American Journal of Preventive Medicine), which is why we are SUPER excited about this option for our patients!
We feel this is a wonderful accompaniment with our nutrition counseling expertise and will be utilizing the app in conjunction with the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely) goals we typically set up at our appointments. It is a great new fancy addition to the tools in our toolbox to help you all achieve your goals!
All packages include online access to personalized meal plans, easy to follow recipes, grocery lists with optional ingredient doorstep delivery (how cool!!!), step-by-step prep schedules, plus support and guidance from your dietitian all at your fingertips on the app (or from your computer).
For more information, watch this video:
If you are interested in this service, please contact our office at 631-509-5544, theritebitenutrition@gmail.com, or if you are a patient message us on the Healthie App and we can set you up!
Spend less time thinking about food. Know exactly what to eat, what to buy, and how to make it.
Until Next Time,